Create Positivity: Positive Thinking Can Make You Healthy

Create Positivity: Positive Thinking Can Make You Healthy

As we move into Fall season where some of us have allergies, remember they’re not the only thing that contributes to our healthy makeup. Think about it, have you been thinking negative thoughts or positive ones? Choose positive beliefs and watch your energy increase. But when our allergies kick up, reach for the immune support tablet and plop it into a large glass of water, but also keep in mind that your positive beliefs and thoughts can contribute to your degree of having a cold.

Negativity Hits

When we get hit with an overload of negativity from the outside world of work, relationships, and family, it can feel the same as the beginnings of getting sick. Because we are not in the habit of replacing our negative thoughts with positive ones, we are actually helping to break down our immune system. By using simple ideas and old fashion strategies, we can move our bodies into the direction of ease instead of disease.

What Negative Beliefs Do

It is stated by Bruce Lipton, PhD that our body reacts to positive and negative thoughts which in turn create different hormones and reagents in our body to help or hinder our health. Positive thoughts increase the endorphins in our brains that help fight pain whereas negative beliefs create our body to produce stress hormones which have an adverse reaction to our health. Through his studies, Bruce Lipton, PhD stated, “Negative thoughts or beliefs release the stress hormones that shut down growth as well as the immune system which in turn opens us up for disease.” With this in mind, how effective is my immune support tablet going to have on a body that has negative thoughts?

Create Self Love

Have you ever sat down to think about how you were nurtured when ill as a child? Some of us had Mrs. Clever taking great care of us by helping to keep positive thoughts in a confident environment. However, some of us had someone trying to care for us in a survival mode. If that is the case, it is time to give you the love it deserves. Offer yourself love verbally as well as giving yourself the special tray of food, wonderful homeopathic remedies, and the positive thoughts it deserves to hear. This is why some say we have to take care of us, because no one else will. We need to tend to ourselves in the loving manner we always wanted. By receiving this positive love in soup, comfort, and thought, we will begin to mend.

Let Positivity In

“Everyday negative thinking is taking away our health. Negative thinking and beliefs are equally powerful in influencing your life as is positive thinking but it works in the opposite direction.” Lipton goes onto educating us about the tricks of a placebo. “A placebo can cure you of anything; a nocebo, or negative belief, can cause any illness and death just because you believe that.” Sometimes our negative thoughts are working with the allergy and creating a large amount of stress hormone in our body. Because we are tired and feeling drained, those negative thoughts are easier to come into our minds and set up camp. It is important that we stay in charge of our thoughts at every moment of our day.

Old School Remedies

Researchers have uncovered that most of our beliefs are negative and disempowering. Lipton knows that, “Everyday, our negative thinking is taking away our health.” However, if we practice those old fashion strategies of having hot tea while only having positive thoughts by being more mindful at that moment, we can help that immune tablet react with the positive hormones our body creates. Using meditation is another great strategy to add to your day when feeling drained. By stopping the body to produce known adversary components, we can beat the illness before it hits full force.

Help Negative Thoughts Leave

Be aware that sometimes negative thoughts from the past are coming into mind because they want you to deal with them. When you settle yourself into comfort and show it all the love it deserves, look into healing some of the negative thoughts that keep coming around. They’re just little hints to remind you that it’s ok to let them go and that they no longer serve you. Simply feel what they bring to your heart and offer them love. Yes, it is that simple. Loving ourselves and thinking good thoughts are the best medicine.

Positive Thoughts for Positive Direction

During a time when we are feeling under the weather, we must see that by treating our bodies with kindness, is something that we need to start adding to our every day life. Lipton says, “Belief, positive or negative, is equally powerful in shaping your life, they just work in opposite directions.” As we put our best self first as we feel drained, it is important to realize that negative thoughts could have gotten us there. By offering us kindness, warm cups of tea, and an environment in our mind that only offers genuine love, we can find ourselves reaching for the immune tablet less and meditating more.  

**Bruce Lipton, PhD will be part of the Hay House Heal Summit taking place October 23-29th, 2019. Be sure to set your alarms and join him and others. Get ready to be blessed with wonderful healing practices!

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