Do You Live with Limited Beliefs?

Do You Live with Limited Beliefs?

Sometimes I feel the universe uses things in our lives to slow us down. In order for us to learn something deep, we rest to find what must be handled. I ended up coming down with a sinus infection that made me stop and take a look around my own head cave of thoughts. To my surprise, I learned of a wonderful spiritual soul who I knew as an actress from one of my favorite movies. Hearing her wisdom and knowledge on how to deal with my limited beliefs was a welcomed lesson.

Finding Inspiring Wisdom

Dee Wallace, who played the mother on the hit movie ET, the Extra Terrestrial, has been working as a spiritual teacher of conscious wisdom. While listening to her interview on the Shift Network, I was so pulled in by her ability to look at limited beliefs. She had the listeners think of the negative aspect needing attention and then asked to look back at our young self. It turns out that up to the age of 8 is when we develop our beliefs. By looking around at the environment of our youth, we can see what aspects in our lives as young people shaped our beliefs.

No Need for Blame

As she stated in her interview, this isn’t the time to place blame. However, it helps us see why we have the beliefs we hold today and where they began. The first eight years of our lives is a time when we are taught how to handle many situations. By watching those around us at that time, we learn many ways of how to overcome being stuck in certain circumstances. For example, if we live as an adult with doubts and feeling stuck in low self-esteem, it could have come from only seeing that. We might not have learned how to stand up for our self and how someone put us down. If there were times when we felt no worth, we can see how others back then used their words to keep us down. This can in turn be why we live with the limited belief as an adult who may not feel worthy.

Turning My Limited Beliefs to Unlimited

Although I was determined to write my parenting book, during the writing process where I felt stuck. I raised my daughters to be independent and responsible. My limited belief resided in not feeling good enough so I felt it took a few extra years to take the jump into self-publishing. I believed I wasn’t good enough to do certain things based on my gender or ethnicity. I felt held back from doing what I felt I could do. Thanks to my daughters, through parenting them, I learned I am worthy of anything I want.

Because I was a mom who reminded my girls they could do whatever they wanted, I was able to transform my own thoughts to match that positive thought. During this writing journey of reviews, I’ve learned that others have a right to their opinion and so do I. In order to move down this path of self-publishing, I learned to take others’ comments as criticism. It helped me grow instead of feel hindered.

Criticism as a Lesson

By taking criticism as a lesson, it has helped me to see my worth. I also saw how others are hiding in their limited beliefs. Now that I see how these negative beliefs worked as obstacles in my life, it has become so rewarding to turn negative into positive. By finding this lesson in limited beliefs, it has released the ties I felt on moving past. I no longer feel the need to stop and hide behind my past limited belief of not being good enough. By taking the step into all my fears, I’ve learned that these are all little lessons. These lessons taught me to live in joy and happiness.

Find Your Unlimited Beliefs

Find some time to listen to Dee speak about how wonderful it is to live in total joy and happiness. It is so inspiring to feel the transformation in order to move into the person I always wanted to be. Focusing on stepping out into the unknown is the best way to move beyond the hurt from the past. Walking away from the old narratives that were placed on us as youngsters is important as well. Because we are the adult now, we can give our self-permission to drop those old beliefs. Now we can move into our true self.

In the end, we need to be patient. When we slow down, we allow potential solutions to come through for our creativity to shine. Allowing everything to come forth helps all ideas to appear. By being peaceful and flexible, all your gifts for others can come through.

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