Meditation Helps Us Drop Our Fear Story We Hold

Meditation Helps Us Drop Our Fear Story We Hold

*Based on Kyle Cease: video “How to Abandon the Ego Completely

Meditation truly is a remarkable way of allowing the ego part of self to let go of our fear based story. When we journey into that wonderful conscious place where fear no longer exists, we see our self more clear and approach oneness. Some of these ego problems are us getting out of the old story of our connection to a parent or sibling or childhood friend. As we feel a “disconnect” from their story connected to us, it’s the ego trying to keep us holding onto the lie of that story.

Meditation Helps Purge Our Old Fears

Kyle Cease reminds us that as we meditate, the more we out grow the lie of the old fears we lived by. Have you ever meditated and felt the need to cry? This is that purge that Cease refers to in his video, How to Abandon the Ego Completely. When the pain comes to us involving the past fears of those certain relationships, it is simply reminding us that it was toxic as it leaves our body.

Remember how awesome you felt when you cried out those bad feelings? It’s actually you releasing the fear. By releasing it, the fear is struggling to hold onto you like Hans Gruber dangling from that skyscraper in Die Hard. As we allow it to fall away, we open up a wonderful place to fill with positivity and growth.

Changing the Story of Our Fears

Sometimes we have old feelings from the age of twelve where we have a fear of someone and believe it is part of our story. Little do we know that it is only a fear stuck because we keep giving it value. We must learn that these fears are not scary.

When we meditate, we are in our true state of being. We aren’t letting things attach to us. However, sometimes after meditation, we can let our fears move back in to that familiar place in our body. We let the scary part of the fear exist. The more we meditate, the more we will be able to see these fears for what they truly are and let them leave for good during a great session of meditation.

Facing Your Old Fear & Story

My fear and story that I was holding onto was connected to a parent. Because of my old religious beliefs and old ways of letting fear control me, I had a hard time disconnecting the two. I really thought I was who they believed me to be. It was a struggle and a real battle as the fear kept making me small and coming back pretending to be in control.

As a result of meditating, I could see the darkness my parent and sibling lived and became aware that was not the place for me. As I would shine my light on that, they simply retreated back into the darkness. Even though I knew the love of being in the light, I’ve always remained with episodes of fear trying to battle its way back.

Learn to Love Your Ego

We are only our self. Ego is part of us, but doesn’t have control and shouldn’t be holding the key to our happiness. Since it’s a familiar feeling, we continue to hold on to our fear while we venture forward and living without it. Kyle’s statement always helps me through; “Because we are so afraid of what we can’t see and can only measure what we can see, we won’t let go.” But let me assure you, once you allow yourself to let go of that old story and fear, a whole new place opens up.

Not only do you see how fear kept you stuck, but now you can understand why that parent was constantly holding that fear to your face. It was the one thing to keep you where you were in their story. By letting it fall, you are breaking away and heading into the right direction.

Pain & Tears are a Positive Side

When the tears of these fears released come up, don’t let them scare you to believe you’re not supposed to let go. Through the feeling of this pain will you reach the other side. In this place, you can dream bigger, feel happier, and move smoother. No longer do you have that old fear controlling how you’re to feel or act.

It may feel a bit strange at first but give yourself time to be without the old fears and stories that you’ve been holding onto for a while. Guarantee that you feel the fear trying to take its place in your body and story again. Remind yourself that you don’t need that fear to exist. The real you can exist without the fear story. Relax and breathe into that new space of happiness.

Let the Process Work

Meditation is a process that has results that cannot be seen. As we experience disappointments or heartaches as they occur, meditation is the practice our body and mind recalls and brings into action. Because we are creatures always needing to see results, we become skeptical of meditation because it doesn’t come with seeable evidence.

For this reason, we may be holding onto that fear or story that really isn’t true today, but was true in our childhood. Because we measure things through our egoic structure, Cease reminds us that is how we measure the outcomes.

Meditation is the Way

However in meditation, we are moving away from the old story and into a new place. Our ego senses this disconnection and creates the tears and pain.

In fact, you want the pain because it is a sign that you are letting the fear go.  “Since you are looking at yourself more the way God looks at you verses the way your ego looks at you”, Kyle reminds us that this is us moving and expanding our awareness of ourselves where we can begin to see and live in a bigger place. A wonderful realization is when we understand that the egoic structure that was in control no longer has authority over us.

Become as Big as the Universe

There is a harsh push and pull scenario as the ego feels you are leaving. In fact, you see it and how it works. Our ego wants to keep coming back and setting up shop with our past fears and beliefs. I no longer live in the belief that I am as small as my ego wants me to believe. I’m as big as the universe wants me to be. It is up to us to continue meditating. Keep being aware of the dance and with more love towards our fears, let our conscious self venture to the place we are born to live.

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