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Tag: read aloud during school closures

Reading by Mrs. K

Reading by Mrs. K

With the school closures happening, here is another read aloud for your children. This is Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury. When the book is finished, have them think about what might happen next in the book if the story continued. If a first grade or older, have them write it down. If they are preschoolers, simply have them verbalize it to you. I hope you can enjoy a coffee break while they listen. Enjoy!

Reading with Mrs K

Reading with Mrs K

During this time of school closures, I am video recording read alouds of my favorite children’s books. I hope that these give you a time to grab a coffee or tea, take a deep breath, and put your smile back on your face. After the story is finished, you could ask your child or children what they think might happen next? If they student is first grade or above, they can write what they think might happen next if they…

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Reading by Mrs. K

Reading by Mrs. K

During this time of school closures due to COVID-19, here is a read aloud. It is from the Frog & Toad Treasury. Being a reading teacher for ten years, I thought what better way to give back to my community of moms. So, gather them around the screen to listen to me read and take a well deserved break. To find more video read aloud or others to help raise your kids, go to my youtube channel. Enjoy!!